
Desk Of Chairman


  • “When we set out to build a hospital that offers world-class patient care,
    there were a number of questions we asked ourselves:
    How will we be different from other hospitals?
    How do we make the best healthcare practices accessible to all?
    How do we ensure that our patients are treated with dignity?
    And without a hint of hesitation, without a doubt in our minds, we answered.
  • Lions Cancer Detection Centre Trust, Surat
    will not just be a hospital, but an institution of Patientcare.
    Where words like ‘religion’, ‘caste’,
    ‘social strata’, ‘age’ and ‘gender’ will be just that - mere words - and not
    interfere with the kind of treatment our patients receive.

    Where quality will meet affordability.

    Where we won’t just treat health, we will respect life.”
  • Thank you ,
    Stay safe and serve safely.
    Humble Regards ,
    I remain your ‘OWN’
    Sincerely yours ,
    Ashok Kanungo
    Lions Cancer Detection Centre Trust, Surat.